The Benefits of Neurotherapy with Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are pervasive and common. There are many modalities to work with them, many work very well. Neurotherapy is one of the treatment interventions that has been shown to be successful in treating learning disabilities, however, its approach is completely different than the other options. Neurotherapy is used to train the area of the brain involved in learning or performing reading, math or auditory and visual processing that is related to the learning disability.

We know that learning requires coordination between multiple areas of the brain. The speed, amplitude, coherence, and symmetry of the brain are all required for information intake and output. Neurofeedback and neurotherapy increases the brain’s coordination and communication between different areas of the brain.

Connectivity training is particularly effective with this demographic, and seems to provide more consistent improvements in learning issues such as reading comprehension, dyslexia, math deficits, and visual and auditory processing problems.


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