Our Services
Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG)
Brain Mapping or Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) is a procedure that records and processes EEG activity of the human brain from 19 or more electrodes that rest on the scalp surface. The digital recorded EEG data is statistically analyzed and compared with normative referenced database values. The processed EEG is converted into color maps of brain functioning called a “Brain Mapping”. QEEG is part of the comprehensive integrated assessment provided upon initiation of services at Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska.
Quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) has been utilized for many decades. Hans Berger is recognized for performing the first QEEG analysis in 1934. Today, over 90,000 QEEG studies have been cited in the National Library of Medicine database by the National Institute of Health.
As a result of dedicated individuals in the field of neuroscience and the advancements in computer technology, QEEG has the ability to measure very complex network dynamics that, in the past have been difficult to quantify. Advanced computer analysis makes it possible for QEEG to measure specific patterns in multiple locations around the brain simultaneously. Brain mapping utilizes QEEG data to graphically display brain function as represented by colored brain maps, graphs, and charts.
During the QEEG, electrodes are placed on the scalp to measure the electrophysiological activity of the brain (brain waves). After electrodes are placed on the scalp, gel is administered into each of the electrode cups to ensure a satisfactory signal or connection. The client’s brain wave activity is then recorded using the NeuroField Q20 amplifier. The amplifier is used to amplify the client’s real time EEG so that it can be accurately displayed on a computer monitor. During the QEEG, brain wave activity is recorded in 19 locations around the scalp instantaneously and simultaneously. QEEG is a completely non-invasive procedure.
QEEG evaluation can occur during various states of relaxation and activation, each state recording lasts approximately 10 minutes. Data will be recorded while the client is relaxed and awake with the client’s eyes closed as well as recorded with the client’s eyes open.
QEEG is able to locate areas of hyperactivity (over-activity) and hypoactivity (under-activity) in specific areas of the brain. QEEG assessments can be performed on individuals at any age. The QEEG procedure typically takes 60-90 minutes to complete. QEEG recording may take longer with younger children, especially, if they are hyperactive or oppositional. At Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska, we work at the client’s pace. Ample time is allocated in situations that may require extra time at no extra charge to you.
Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska utilizes the NeuroField Q20 that was invented by Nicholas Dogris, Ph.D and Brad Wiitala, EE. The NeuroField Q20 is a DC coupled, 19 channel EEG amplifier that offers a fast, sharp, and clean EEG. The NeuroField Q20 is the amplifier used at Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska for QEEG acquisition and in NeuroField and LORETA neurofeedback training sessions.
EEG data recorded during the brain mapping procedure is analyzed and compared to a large, age specific, normative databases. The use of databases provides additional scientific and objective information about brain function. Normative reference databases serve a vital and important role in modern neuroscience and client evaluation. It is very important that clinicians utilize a database that adheres to the “Gold Standard” of EEG Normative Databases. Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska utilizes the Neuroguide database which was developed by Applied Neuroscience, Inc. The Neuroguide database meets all of the “Gold Standards” of EEG Normative Databases. The Neuroguide database can perform normative comparisons among individuals two months to 82 years of age.
Yes, there is a list of “Gold Standards” by which to judge qEEG normative databases (Thatcher, R.W., 2012).
- Amplifier matching
- Peer reviewed publications
- Artifact rejection
- Test-retest stability
- Inclusion/exclusion criteria
- Adequate sample size per age group
- Approximation to a Gaussian
- Cross-validation
- Clinical correlation
- FDA registeredReference
Thatcher, R. W. (2012). Handbook of Quantitative Electroencephalography and EEG Biofeedback: Scientific Foundations and Practical Applications. AniPublishing, Inc.
Yes, Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska provides each of their clients with the comprehensive results of their brain mapping. The brain mapping report identifies age specific areas of normal brain function and areas of less than optimal function. Many neurological and psychological conditions and symptoms are associated with specific areas of dysregulation or areas of less than optimal function. After the QEEG report is generated the team at Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska will determine an appropriate intervention based on the client’s QEEG patterns, symptoms and previous diagnosis.
Sure. QEEG (Brain Mapping) is a procedure that processes recorded EEG activity from 19 or more electrodes. The digital recorded EEG data is statistically analyzed and compared with normative referenced database values. The processed EEG is converted into color maps of brain functioning called a “Brain Mapping”.
The EEG and the derived QEEG information can be interpreted and used by experts as a clinical tool to evaluate brain function, and to track the changes in brain function due to various interventions such as neurotherapy, neurofeedback, and medication management.
Your QEEG (Brain Mapping) is a relatively simple procedure but here are some important considerations:
- Have the day be as “normal” a day as possible. For example, do not schedule to start an exercise program, give up or start smoking, or have a fight with your teacher or boss on that day.
- Get a good night’s sleep the night before your QEEG.
- Do not go on or off medications that day. If a physician has you tapering or starting medication, it may be better to postpone your QEEG, please check with us if this is the case.
- Clients who take medications should consult their prescribing physician to see if it is safe for them to abstain from taking medication on the morning of the QEEG.
- Do not take any over-the-counter medications on the day of you QEEG. If you do, please let us know.
- Washing your hair just prior to the QEEG will make the procedure easier and faster. However, make certain your hair is dry, not braided, and do not use conditioner or styling products on the day of the QEEG. Be sure your hair is both clean and dry.
- You should eat a healthy diet that day of your QEEG. It is best not to have anything to eat two hours prior to your QEEG.
- Avoid caffeine and foods or drinks heavy in refined sugar (sucrose) the day of your QEEG.
- Do not drink alcohol 3 days prior to the test.
On the day of your QEEG
- Please bring a list of any medications taken regularly along with the dosage. Also let the therapist know the last time the medication was taken.
- Plan to spend 60-90 minutes at the office.