Why does neurotherapy work?

The brain is amazingly adaptable, and capable of learning. It can also learn to improve its own performance when given the proper cues. Using the data obtained from the brain mapping (QEEG) as well his information from the client regarding symptoms, the neurotherapist is able to guide the individual’s brain into making adjustments that will improve efficiency and functioning. The neurotherapist challenges the client’s brain to obtain and maintain optimal performance. Gradually, the brain learns and begins to retain this new level of functioning.

Why Choose a BCIA-Certified Professional?

BCIA-certified professionals are internationally respected for many reasons.

1. BCIA is a non-profit institute that has been an effective advocate for our field. The American Psychological Association (APA) has recognized biofeedback as a proficiency in professional psychology because of the petition that BCIA filed with them. BCIA has been dedicated to a singular mission since 1981:

“BCIA certifies individuals who meet education and training standards in biofeedback and
progressively recertifies those who advance their knowledge through continuing education.”

2. BCIA’s biofeedback certification is the only program that is recognized by the three major international membership organizations: the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB), the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (BFE), and the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR).

3. BCIA’s biofeedback certification is based on scientific evidence published in refereed journals. BCIA rejects narrow, unsubstantiated perspectives and the conflict of interest that exists when certification depends on a specific vendor’s equipment, databases, and protocols. BCIA certification is based on a reading list, Blueprint of Knowledge, and Professional Standards and Ethical Principles that were developed following an extensive job analysis and that are regularly updated by a task force of international authorities in biofeedback. BCIA continually gathers data to validate and revise its exams through the psychometric process to ensure the relevance, integrity, and value of our certification program.

4. BCIA’s biofeedback certification exam adheres to the highest psychometric standards. We painstakingly evaluate and revise our exam on a regular basis. Several independent experts, who include clinicians and the most experienced educators in our field, regularly review exam items to ensure that the they represent key blueprint concepts, are sourced to our suggested reading list, and are psychometrically sound. We regularly replace outdated exam questions with new ones that are contributed by biofeedback authorities and then validated by our certificants.

5. BCIA requires that our certificants adhere to one of the strongest ethical codes in our field. In addition, we require that our certificants complete 3 hours of ethics continuing education when they renew their certification. Our rigorous ethical standards are one of the many reasons that our international colleagues have chosen BCIA biofeedback certification.

6. BCIA’s Board of Directors consists of clinicians, educators, and researchers who have guided the development of biofeedback. Our Board includes leaders of the three major international membership organizations who have contributed decades of service to our field.

Do you accept insurance?

Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska is in-network with BCBS. All other insurances may receive out of network benefits. For your convenience, we accept checks, credit cards, or debit cards. Remember that insurance policies vary, and we will review your insurance to determine the appropriate course of action. Once treatment has started, we will file your claims. Feel free to contact us if you have more questions.

How does neurotherapy and medications work?

Neurotherapy is a medication free option. We work with clients both on and off medications. Our clients learn to self-regulate the brain, reducing symptoms through improved brain performance. Neurotherapy is complimentary to medication and other therapies. Sometimes clients can reduce or discontinue medications after neurotherapy. All medication adjustments are made through your prescribing physician. We are always available to consult with your physician when necessary.

Where can I learn more about Neurofedback?

Check out this comprehensive neurofeedback bibliography: http://media.wix.com/ugd/fb579f_b7e0510f74704494876b121cb7501f59.pdf

What can I expect during a neurotherapy session?

Everyone is unique. The structure of each session will be generated based upon your unique needs.  Each session is approximately 45 minutes. The approaches recommended will be explained during your consultation, the training plan meeting and prior to each session. We love teaching and feel it enhances the benefits so please ask questions.

How many sessions are needed?

Neurotherapy is a learning process, and therefore results are seen gradually over time. For most conditions progress is seen within 5-10 sessions. Many clients report improvement in mood, sleep, relaxation, and overall energy during these first several weeks.  Most clients complete a total of 40 sessions. Some clients complete as few as 20 as results are achieved quicker for them. Developmental conditions like ASD often take much longer. Many clients benefit from occasional tune ups, which some of our clients call power ups. Our clients are always welcome to call  as needed for support. 

Notice of Privacy Practices

This Notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.  

We are required by law to maintain the privacy of protected health information and to provide you with this Notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to protected health information. “Protected health information” is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services or payment of health care services. 

We are required to abide by the terms of this Notice currently in effect. We may change the terms of this Notice at any time. The new Notice will be effective for all protected health information that we maintain at that time. You may obtain a copy of any revised Notice by accessing our website or asking for one at the time of your next appointment. 

As used in this Notice, the words “we,” “our” and “us” collectively refer to Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska. This Notice applies to Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska that provides healthcare to you. 



Uses and Disclosures of Protected Health Information for Treatment, Payment, or Operations –  

We may use or disclose your protected health information for treatment, payment and health care operations as described in this Section 1 without authorization from you. Your protected health information may be used and disclosed by your provider, our office staff, and others outside of our office that are involved in your care and treatment for the purpose of providing health care services to you. Your protected health information may also be used and disclosed to pay your health care bills and to support the operation of the provider’s practice. 

The following are the types and examples of uses and disclosures of your protected health care information that the provider’s office is permitted to make without your specific authorization. These descriptions and examples are not meant to be exhaustive, but to describe the types of uses and disclosures that may be made by our office: 

  1. Treatment: We will use and disclose your protected health information to provide, coordinate, or manage your health care and any related services. This includes the coordination or management of your health care with a third party, consultations with another provider, or your referral to another provider for your diagnosis and treatment. For example, a provider treating you may need to know if you have other health problems that might complicate your treatment and therefore may request your medical record from another health care provider that has provided treatment to you.
  2. Payment: Your protected health information may be used to obtain or provide payment for your healthcare services, including disclosures to other entities. This may include certain activities that your health insurance plan may undertake before it approves or pays for the services we recommend for you, such as making a determination of eligibility or coverage for insurance benefits, reviewing services provided to you, and undertaking utilization review activities. For example, we may need to give your insurance company information about therapy you received so your insurance will pay for the care.
  3. Operations: We may use or disclose your protected health information in order to support the business activities of your provider’s practice. These activities include, but are not limited to: quality assessment and improvement activities; reviewing the competence or qualifications of professionals; securing stop-loss or excess of loss insurance; obtaining legal services or conducting compliance programs or auditing functions; business planning and development; business management and general administrative activities, such as compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; resolution of internal grievances; due diligence in connection with the sale or transfer of assets of your provider’s  practice; creating de-identified health information; and conducting or arranging for other business activities. For example, we may use your health information to evaluate the performance of our providers and staff in providing care to you. In addition, we may disclose your protected health information to another provider, health plan, or health care clearinghouse for limited operational purposes of the recipient, as long as the other entity has, or has had, a relationship with you. Such disclosures will be limited to certain purposes, including: quality assessment and improvement activities, population-based activities relating to improving health or reducing health care costs, case management, conducting training programs, accreditation, certification, licensing, credentialing activities, and health care fraud and abuse detection and compliance program.


  1. Business Associates: We may share your protected health information with third party “business associates” that perform various activities (e.g., billing, transcription services, accounting services, legal services) for the practice. Whenever an arrangement between our office and a business associate involves the use or disclosure of your protected health information, we will have a written contract that contains terms that will protect the privacy of your protected health information.
  2. Treatment Alternatives and Health-Related Products and Services: We may use or disclose your protected health information, as necessary, to provide you with information about a product or service to encourage you to purchase or use the product or services for the following limited purposes: (1) to describe our participation in a provider network or health plan network, or to describe if, and the extent to which, a product or service (or payment for such product or service) is provided by our practice or included in a plan of benefits; (2) for your treatment; or (3) for your case management or care coordination, or to direct or recommend alternative treatments, therapies, providers, or settings of care.
  3. Family and Friends: We may provide your protected health information to individuals, such as family and friends, who are involved in your care or who help pay for your care. We may do this if you tell us we can do so, or if you know we are sharing your protected health information with these people and you do not object. There may also be circumstances when we can assume, based on our professional judgment, that you would not object. For example, we may assume you agree to our disclosure of your information to your spouse if your spouse comes with you into the room unless you tell us otherwise. Also, if you are not able to approve or object to a disclosure, we may make disclosures to a particular individual (such as a family member or friend), that we feel are in your best interest and that relate to that person’s involvement in your care or payment of your care. For example, we may make a professional judgment about your best interests that allow another person to pick up things, such as prescriptions and medical supplies. 



We may use or disclose your protected health information without your permission in the following circumstances, subject to all applicable legal requirements and limitations: 

  1. As Required By Law: As required by federal, state, or local law. 
  2. Public Health Activities: To a public health authority for public health activities including the following: to prevent or control disease, injury or disability; or to report births, deaths, suspected abuse or neglect, non-accidental physical injuries, reactions to medications or problems with products.
  3. Health Oversight Activities: To a health oversight agency for audits, investigations, inspections, licensing purposes, or as necessary for certain government agencies to monitor the health care system, government programs, and compliance with civil rights laws.
  4. Lawsuits and Disputes: In response to a subpoena or a court or administrative order, if you are involved in a lawsuit or a dispute, or in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons or similar process, if asked to do so by law enforcement.
  5. Law Enforcement: To law enforcement for law enforcement purposes, so long as applicable legal requirements are met.

f. Coroners, Medical Examiners and Funeral Directors: To a coroner or medical examiner, (as necessary, for example, to identify a deceased person or determine the cause of death) or to a funeral director, as necessary to allow him/her to carry out his/her activities. 

  1. Organ and Tissue Donation: If you are an organ or tissue donor, to organizations that handle organ procurement or organ, eye or tissue transplantation, or to an organ donation bank, as necessary to facilitate a donation and transplantation.
  2. Research: For research purposes under certain limited circumstances. Research projects are subject to a special approval process. Therefore, we will not use or disclose your protected health information for research purposes until the particular research project has been approved through this special approval process.
  3. i. Serious Threat to Health or Safety; Disaster Relief: To appropriate individual(s)/organization(s) when necessary (i) to prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or that of the public or another person, or (ii) to identify, locate, or notify your family members or persons responsible for you in a disaster relief effort.
  4. Military and Veterans: As required by military command or other government authority for information about a member of the domestic or foreign armed forces, if you are a member of the armed forces.
  5. National Security; Intelligence Activities; Protective Service: To federal officials for intelligence, counterintelligence, and other national security activities authorized by law, including activities related to the protection of the President, other authorized persons or foreign heads of state, or related to the conduct of special investigations.
  6. Workers’ Compensation: For workers’ compensation or similar work-related injury programs, to the extent required by law.
  7. Inmates: To a correctional institution (if you are an inmate) or a law enforcement official (if you are in that official’s custody) as necessary (i) for the institution to provide you with health care; (ii) to protect your or others’ health and safety; or (iii) for the safety and security of the correctional institution.



All other uses and disclosures of your protected health information not covered by this Notice will be made only with your written authorization. We would seek your authorization, for example, if we wanted to use or disclose your health information for research or marketing purposes. In some situations, federal and state laws may require authorization from you before we can disclose specially protected health information. Examples of protected health information that may be subject to special protections include protected health information involving mental health, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, sexually transmitted or other communicable diseases, and alcohol or drug abuse. We may limit disclosure of the specially protected health information to what the law permits or we may contact you for the necessary authorization. 

 You may revoke any authorization, at any time, by notifying, in writing, our office. If you revoke your authorization, we will no longer use or disclose your protected health information for the purpose you had previously approved, except to the extent that your provider’s practice has taken an action in reliance on the use or disclosure indicated in the authorization. 



The following is a statement of your rights with respect to your protected health information and a brief description of how you may exercise these rights. 

  1. You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this Notice from us upon request.
  2. You have the right to inspect and copy your protected health information. This means you may inspect and obtain a copy of protected health information about you that is contained in your chart, including medical and billing records and any other records that your provider and the practice use for making decisions about you. Requests to access your protected health information must be made in writing and submitted to our office. We may charge you for the cost of copying, mailing or associated supplies. 
  3. Under federal law, however, you may not inspect or copy certain records, including: information compiled in reasonable anticipation of, or use in, a civil, criminal, or administrative action or proceeding; and protected health information that is subject to law that prohibits access to protected health information. Depending on the circumstances, a decision to deny access may be reviewable. In some circumstances, you may have a right to have this decision reviewed. Please contact our office if you have questions about access to your medical record.
  4. You have the right to request a restriction of your protected health information. This means you may ask us not to use or disclose any part of your protected health information for the purposes of treatment, payment or healthcare operations. You may also request that any part of your protected health information not be disclosed to family members or friends who may be involved in your care or for notification purposes as described in this Notice. You may make this request by submitting a written request to our office that states the specific restriction requested and to whom you want the restriction to apply.
  5. Your provider is not required to agree to a restriction that you may request, unless you request to restrict the disclosure of your protected health information to a health plan for the purpose of carrying out payment or health care operations and the protected health information relates only to a health care item or service for which you have paid us in full out of your pocket (not through insurance), in which case we will accept such restriction request. If your provider does agree to the requested restriction, we may not use or disclose your protected health information in violation of that restriction unless it is needed to provide emergency treatment. With this in mind, please discuss any restriction you wish to request with our office.
  6. You have the right to request to receive confidential communications from us by alternative means or at an alternative location. We will accommodate reasonable requests. We may also condition this accommodation by asking you for information as to how payment will be handled or specification of an alternative address or other method of contact. We will not request an explanation from you as to the basis for the request. Please make this request in writing to our office.
  7. You may have the right to request an amendment to your protected health information. This means you may request an amendment of protected health information about you in a designated record set for as long as we maintain this information. In certain cases, we may deny your request for an amendment. If we deny your request for amendment, you have the right to file a statement of disagreement with us and we may prepare a rebuttal to your statement and will provide you with a copy of any such rebuttal. Please contact our office to determine if you have questions about amending your medical record. You may request an amendment to your medical record by submitting a written request to our office.
  8. You have the right to receive an accounting of certain disclosures we have made, if any, of your protected health information. This right applies to disclosures for purposes other than treatment, payment or healthcare operations as described in this Notice. It also excludes disclosures we may have made to you, for a facility directory, to family members or friends involved in your care, or for notification purposes, disclosures for which you have signed an authorization and certain other disclosures. You have the right to receive specific information regarding these disclosures that occurred after or during the six years prior to the date of your request. You may request a shorter time frame. The right to receive this information is subject to certain exceptions, restrictions and limitations. To request an accounting of disclosures, submit a written request to our office.
  9. i. You have the right to be informed of any unauthorized disclosures of your unsecured protected health information. This means that if we or our service providers improperly allow access to your unsecured health information in a way that compromises that information, we will provide you timely notice of that breach.



You may complain to us or to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services if you believe your privacy rights have been violated by us. You may file a complaint with us by notifying our office of your complaint. We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint. You may contact our office for further information about the complaint process.  



In some situations, federal and state laws may require authorization from you before we can disclose specially protected health information. Examples of protected health information that may be subject to special protections include protected health information involving mental health, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, sexually transmitted or other communicable diseases, and alcohol or drug abuse. We may limit disclosure of the specially protected health information to what the law permits or we may contact you for the necessary authorization. We have attached Addendum A to this Notice that identifies certain states, in which we provide healthcare services or have business operations, that may have more stringent privacy laws.  



Unless we obtain your specific authorization, we may disclose the following types of protected health information only in limited circumstances and to specific recipients:   

(a) HIV/AIDS diagnosis or treatment 

Applicable State(s): GA, FL, MA, MO, NH, NY, TX, OH, PA, WA 

(b) Alcohol/Drug Abuse 

Applicable State(s): CA, GA, FL, MA, MO, NH, NY, OH, PA, TX, VA 

(c) Communicable Disease (including STDs) diagnosis or treatment 

Applicable State(s): MA, TX, WA 

(d) Reproductive Health information such as pregnancy or use of birth control 

Applicable State(s): CA, FL, NY, WA 

 (e) Genetics 

 Applicable State(s): FL, GA, MA, MO, NH, NY, TX 

(f) Mental Health 

Applicable State(s):CA, FL, GA, IN, MA, MO, NH, NY, OH, PA, TX, VA, WA 

***Please note that the table above does not provide an exhaustive list and may be updated from time-to-time. Even if it is not indicated as such on the table above, if a State has “stricter” privacy laws and such laws are applicable to us, then we will comply with the “stricter” privacy laws. If you have questions about how the privacy laws in the states identified in the table above affect the use or disclosure of your protected health information, please call or email our office. 




Website and SMS Terms and Conditions



By accessing the Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska website (www.neurotherapynebraska.com) (the “Website”), you are agreeing to be bound by all terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced herein (the “Terms of Use”).  If you do not agree with any of these Terms of Use, you are prohibited from using or accessing this Website.  Please check these Terms of Use periodically for changes.  Your continued use of this Website following the posting of any changes to the Terms of Use constitutes acceptance of those changes. 


You acknowledge and agree that all content and materials available on this Website are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights and laws.  Except as expressly authorized by Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska, you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from such materials or content.  Systematic retrieval of data or other content from this Website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory without written permission from Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska is prohibited.  In addition, use of the content or materials for any purpose not expressly permitted in these Terms of Use is prohibited.  For information on requesting such permission, please contact our office  


You acknowledge that the information on the Website is provided “as is” for general information only.  It is not intended to provide medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals who are familiar with your individual medical needs.  Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska makes no warranties of any kind regarding this Website, including but not limited to any warranty of accuracy, completeness, currency, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or any warranty that these pages, or the computer server that makes them available, are free of viruses or other harmful elements, and such warranties are expressly disclaimed. 


In no event shall Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska or any of its directors, officers, affiliates, agents or its suppliers be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use of, or inability to use, the Website.  This limitation applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other basis, even if Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska has been advised of the possibility of such damage.  Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska’s liability in such jurisdictions shall be limited to the extent permitted by law. 


Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska may provide links on the Website to other websites that are not under the control of Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska.  These links are provided for convenience or reference only and are not intended as an endorsement by Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska of the organization or individual operating the website or a warranty of any type regarding the website or the information on the website. 


Neither Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska nor any independent provider/transmitter of information shall be liable in any way, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska and its subsidiaries, other affiliated companies, the independent providers/transmitters and all employees, contractors, officers, and directors thereof (the “Indemnitees”) for (1) any inaccuracy, error, or delay in, or omission of (a) any information, or (b) the transmission or delivery of information; and (2) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (a) your use or misuse of this Website as well as any such inaccuracy, error, delay, or omission, or (b) any non-performance, or interruption of information due either to any negligent act or omission by the Indemnitees. 


Unless otherwise specified herein, these Terms of Use constitutes the entire agreement between you and Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska with respect to this Website and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals (whether oral, written, or electronic) between you and Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska with respect to this Website.  If any part of these Terms of Use is held invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be construed in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intentions of the parties, and the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. 


We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and require that the people who use the Website, or the services or features made available on or through this Website, do the same.   


Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to all or part of this Website, with or without notice. 


Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska makes no representation that materials on this Website are appropriate or available for use in locations outside the United States, and accessing them from territories where their contents are illegal is prohibited.  Those who choose to access this Website from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws. 


Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska may revise these terms of use for its Website at any time without notice.  By using this Website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms of Use. 


These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska, excluding its conflicts of law rules.  You expressly agree that the exclusive jurisdiction for any claim or action arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use or your use of this Website shall be filed only in the state or federal courts located in the State of Nebraska, and you further agree and submit to the exercise of personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating any such claim or action. 


By using SMS services through DaySmart, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

  1. Service: Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska SMS service allows you to receive appointment reminders, updates, and other messages related to your treatment. You understand that standard messaging rates and data charges may apply, depending on your mobile carrier plan. 
  2. Opt-In: By providing your mobile number to Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska, you consent to receive SMS messages from us. You can opt-out at any time by texting X to the number you received the message from.  
  3. Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska collects and uses your personal information, including your mobile number, in accordance with our privacy policy. By using our SMS services, you agree to the collection and use of your information as described in the policy. 
  4. Liability: Neurotherapy Center of Nebraska is not responsible for any delay or failure in the delivery of SMS messages, including but not limited to technical malfunctions or network issues. We are also not liable for any loss or damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, arising from or related to the SMS service. 
  5. Program Description: The use of the app is for patient communication. 





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